Importer and distributors industry


How can Importer and distributors industry use JUBILI by BUILK?

If you are the distributor, JUBILI by BUILK will be your essential tool to help you organize and track the ongoing activity in real-time because we understand that it requires coordination between the sales team of the organization and the dealer. The software will reduce coordination time and be ready to send documents such as quotations for customers immediately.

The case study of how to use JUBILI by BUILK for the Importer and distributors industry

Overseas distributors always delivered the products to storefronts across the country. Most of the time, the sales team will always be divided by regions of the country to take care of their customers. In which there will be a lot of follow-up tasks to keep up with, JUBILI by BUILK will be their assistant to manage follow-up tasks to be easier than before and reduce errors. Moreover, you can divide your preferable team on the software and be able to monitor every team in your organization anywhere and anytime.

Import of specialized products

Has a high customer base but often has the repetition of a purchase order for some time or the customer always buys the same item from you. JUBILI by BUILK will help to notify you which customer you will need to contact to return the bid or help you to recognize the repeat products order to each certain customer. All of this will help you to utilize these data and be able to analyze your market, to increase your sales opportunities. Moreover, we also provide you the systematical document release such as sales orders, delivery orders, invoices to make the most convenient to you.

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